Welcome / يا مرحبا
I’m an SNSF Postdoctoral Fellow at the Scalable Parallel Computing Laboratory (SPCL), ETH Zürich, advised by Prof. Torsten Hoefler. I obtained my PhD degree from Bilkent University under the supervision of Prof. Cevdet Aykanat. In my reasearch, I design combinatorial algorithms and methods for reducing data movement overheads in parallel scientific and machine learning applications running on HPC systems. These algorithms can be applied in shared-memory setting, e.g., reducing memory accesses or improving data locality, or in distributed-memory setting, e.g., reduce volume of communication and number of exchanged messages.
Research Interests
I specialize in designing efficient parallel algorithms for machine learning and scientific computing applications that are difficult to parallelize.
- Parallel & High-Performance Computing
- Sparse Computations, Iterative Solvers
- Sparse Tensor Decompositions
- Graph/Hypergraph partitioning
- Sparse matrix reordering methods
- Machine Learning: Graph & Hypergraph Neural Networks, Parallelizing LLMs
- [Jun. 2024] I will attend and speak at the CERFACS Sparse Days 2024 meeting in Toulouse, France.
- [May 2024] I will be at the ISC24 conference in Hamburg, Germany!
- [Apr. 2024] SpComm3D paper is out on arXiv!
- [Feb. 2024] I’m co-organizing a Non-EU/EFTA Postdoc Career in Switzerland Information Event on 8th of February at ETH Alumni Pavillon.
- [Jun. 2023] My proposal for the SNSF Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowship is accepted! (along with 70 others out of 500+ applications)
- [May 2023] Moved to Switzerland and started a new position as a PostDoc at the Scalable Parallel Computing Laboratory (SPCL), Department of Computer Science, ETH Zürich.
- [Jul. 2022] I have successfully defended my Ph.D. thesis titled “Novel Algorithms and Models for Scaling Parallel Sparse Tensor and Matrix Factorizations”. 🎉
- [Feb. 2022] I’m presenting my work on “Sparse Tensor Partitioning for Scalable Distributed CPD-ALS” at SIAM PP22.
[Web of Science] [DBLP] [ORCID]
Nabil Abubaker, Torsten Hoefler
arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.19638
Lukas Gianinazzi, Alexandros Nikolaos Ziogas, Langwen Huang, Piotr Luczynski, Saleh Ashkboosh, Florian Scheidl, Armon Carigiet, Chio Ge, Nabil Abubaker, Maciej Besta, Tal Ben-Nun, Torsten Hoefler
ACM SIGPLAN Annual Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (PPoPP), 2024.
Nabil Abubaker, Orhun Caglayan, M Ozan Karsavuran, Cevdet Aykanat
IEEE Transactions on Computers, 2023.
Nabil Abubaker, M Ozan Karsavuran, Cevdet Aykanat
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2023.
Nabil Abubaker, M Ozan Karsavuran, Cevdet Aykanat
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2021.
Nabil Abubaker, Seher Acer, Cevdet Aykanat
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2021.
Nabil Abubaker, Kadir Akbudak, Cevdet Aykanat
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2018.
Nabil Abubaker, Leonard Dervishi, Erman Ayday
IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS), 2017.
I was a teaching assistant for the following courses @Bilkent University:
[ Year/Semester code (XXZZ): XX as in year 20XX; YY: FAll, SPring, SuMmer (or is it the second M?) ]
- CS473: Algorithms I. (16FA, 17SP, 17FA, 18FA, 19SP, 19FA, 20SP, 20FA, 21SP, 21FA)
- CS458: Software Verification and Validation. (20SP, 20SM)
- CS101/2: Algorithms and Programming I/II. (14FA, 15SP, 15FA, 17SM, 18SP).
- CS201/2: Fundamental Structure of Computer Science I/II. (15SM, 16SP, 16SM)
- CS114: Introduction to programming for Engineers ( used to be a Java-based course, now replaced with CS115 which is a Python-based course). (15SM, 16FA)
- CS223: Digital Design. (15FA, 16SP)
I was an instructor for “Computer Architecture II” course remotely during the 2020-2021 Spring semester (pandemic times) @An-Najah National University.
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