Teaching Assistant

I’ve been a teaching assistant for the following courses @Bilkent University:

[ Year/Semester code (XXZZ): XX as in year 20XX; YY: FAll, SPring, SuMmer (or is it the second M?) ]

  • CS473: Algorithms I. (16FA, 17SP, 17FA, 18FA, 19SP, 19FA, 20SP, 20FA, 21SP, 21FA)
  • CS458: Software Verification and Validation. (20SP, 20SM)
  • CS101/2: Algorithms and Programming I/II. (14FA, 15SP, 15FA, 17SM, 18SP).
  • CS201/2: Fundamental Structure of Computer Science I/II. (15SM, 16SP, 16SM)
  • CS114: Introduction to programming for Engineers ( used to be a Java-based course, now replaced with CS115 which is a Python-based course). (15SM, 16FA)
  • CS223: Digital Design. (15FA, 16SP)


I taught “Computer Architecture II” course remotely during the 2020-2021 Spring semester @An-Najah National University.